- Jacobs, M.I., Aleman, E.T., Zepeda, R.G., Confocal Fluorescence Imaging of Levitated Particles and Microdroplets Aerosol Science and Technology, 1–12 (2025). pdf
- Jacobs, M.I., Johnston, M.N., Mahmud, S., Exploring How the Surface-Area-to-Volume Ratio Influences the Partitioning of Surfactants to the Air–Water Interface in Levitated Microdroplets J. Phys. Chem. A, 128, 9986-9997 (2024). pdf
Underline = student researcher
Pre-Texas State University
- Tu, M.Q.*; Nguyen, H.V.*; Folley, E.; Jacobs, M.I.; Schroeder, C. M., 3D Manipulation and Dynamics of Soft Materials in 3D Flows, Journal of Rheology, 67, 877-890 (2023). pdf
- Jacobs, M.I.; Bansal, P.; Shukla, D.; Schroeder, C.M., Understanding Supramolecular Assembly of Supercharged Proteins. ACS Cent. Sci., 2022, 8, 9, 1350–1361. pdf
- Jacobs, M.I.; Jira, E.R.; Schroeder, C.M., Understanding How Coacervates Drive Reversible Small Molecule Reactions to Promote Molecular Complexity. Langmuir, 37 (49), 14323-14335 (2021). pdf
- Rovelli, G.; Jacobs, M.I.; Willis, M.D.; Rapf, R.J.; Prophet, A.M.; Wilson, K.R., A critical analysis of electrospray techniques for the determination of accelerated rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions in droplets. Chem. Sci., 11 (48), 13026-13043 (2020). pdf
- Wilson, K.R.; Prophet, A.M.; Rovelli, G.; Willis, M.D.; Rapf, R.J.; Jacobs, M.I., A kinetic description of how interfaces accelerate reactions in micro-compartments. Chem. Sci., 11 (32), 8533-8545 (2020). pdf
- Kostko, O.; Jacobs, M.I.; Xu, B.; Wilson, K.R.; Ahmed, M., Velocity map imaging of inelastic and elastic low energy electron scattering in organic nanoparticles. J. Chem. Phys., 151 (18), 184702 (2019). pdf
- Jacobs, M.I.; Xu, B.; Kostko, O.; Wiegel, A.A.; Houle, F.A.; Ahmed, M.; Wilson, K.R., Using Nanoparticle X-ray Spectroscopy to Probe the Formation of Reactive Chemical Gradients in Diffusion-Limited Aerosols. J. Phys. Chem. A, 123 (28), 6034-6044 (2019). pdf
- Barrazo, A.; Xu, B.; Gunina, A.O.; Jacobs, M.I.; Wilson, K.R.; Kostko, O.; Ahmed, M.; Krylov, A.I. To Be or Not To Be a Molecular Ion; The Role of the Solvent in Photoionization of Arginine. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 10, 1860-1865 (2019). pdf
- Jacobs, M.I.; Davis, R.D.; Rapf, R.J.; Wilson, K.R. Studying Chemistry in Micro-Compartments by Separating Droplet Generation from Ionization. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 30 (2), 339-343 (2019). pdf
- Davis, R.D.; Jacobs, M.I.; Houle, F.A.; Wilson, K.R. Colliding-Droplet Microreactor: Rapid On-Demand Inertial Mixing and Metal Catalyzed Aqueous Phase Oxidation Processes, Anal. Chem., 89 (22), 12494-12501 (2017). pdf
- Jacobs, M.I.; Davies, J.F.; Lee, L.; Davis, R.D.; Houle, F.A.; Wilson, K.R. Exploring Chemistry in Micro-Compartments using Guided Droplet Collisions in a Branched Quadrupole Trap Coupled to a Single Droplet, Paper Spray Mass Spectrometer, Anal. Chem., 89 (22), 12511-12519 (2017). pdf
- Jacobs, M.I.; Kostko, O.; Ahmed, M.; Wilson, K.R. Low Energy Electron Attenuation Lengths in Core-Shell Nanoparticles, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19 (20), 13372-13378 (2017). pdf
- Kostko, O.; Xu, B.; Jacobs, M.I.; Ahmed, M. Soft X-ray spectroscopy of nanoparticles by velocity map imaging, J. Chem. Phys., 147 (1), 013931 (2017). pdf
- Xu, B; Jacobs, M.I.; Kostko, O.; Ahmed, M. Guanidinium group is protonated in a strongly basic arginine solution, ChemPhysChem, 18 (12), 1503-1506 (2017). pdf
- Jacobs, M.I.; Xu, B.; Kostko, O.; Heine, N.; Ahmed, M.; Wilson, K.R. Probing the Heterogeneous Ozonolysis of Squalene Nanoparticles by Photoemission, J. Phys. Chem. A, 120 (43), 8645-8656 (2016). pdf
- Mael, L.E.; Jacobs, M.I.; Elrod, M. J. Organosulfate and nitrate formation and reactivity from epoxides derived from methyl-3-buten-2-ol, J. Phys. Chem. A, 119 (19), 4464-4472 (2015). pdf
- Jacobs, M.I.; Burke, W.J.; Elrod, M.J. Kinetics of the reactions of isoprene-derived hydroxynitrates: gas phase epoxide formation and solution phase hydrolysis, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 8933-8946 (2014). pdf
- Jacobs, M.I.; Darer, A.I.; Elrod, M.J. Rate Constants and Products of the OH Reaction with Isoprene-Derived Epoxides, Env. Sci. Tech., 47 (22), 12868-12876 (2013). pdf